As many of you know, our bouquet subscription works a little differently. For each bouquet you receive, a bouquet also goes out into our community. Our bouquets brighten days, spread beauty and joy. Last year we had the privilege of partnering with 5 incredible organizations. It was heartwarming to see the happiness that these bouquets were able to bring. I've decided to recap our adventures from last year with a short series of blog posts. I hope you will follow along with me, as we look back on some great times, and get excited for the good we will be able to do in the coming year! If you know of any organizations that you think would make good donation locations, please shoot me an email or comment below, we are always looking for fresh ideas, and love to meet new people in our communities who are doing good. Also if you would be interesting in partnering with us in this spreading of good, please consider purchasing a bouquet subscription! Bouquet Subscriptions also make great gifts that you can feel good about! Please send inquiries to
We grow to give.